About me

A short biography


I held my first exhibition in 1978 as part of the 100 year anniversary celebration of my senior high school. Before that exhibition I participated at the FREE VIENNA ART EXHIBITION at the “Künstlerhaus” in Vienna.

When i finished military service I was given the chance to work at the Austrian Military Museum / Institute of Military History. There, I was taught about restoration of oil paintings and frames. During that study, I had the benefit of learning about the mistakes an artist should avoid when painting.

After my work at the Museum I attended graphic design class at the WIENER KUNSTSCHULE until I got work at the magazine Rennbahnexpress where I designed advertisements. However, the difference between art school and real life work was substantial. During that time I had to draw animals and nude studies every saturday for school classes. In the end, I decided to stop attending the school.

I continued with a nude studies and portrait course lectured by Mag. Herbert Pill at the Vienna Urania.
My work was strongly influenced by my admiration for Prof. Ernst Fuchs and his phantastic realism. Still realism is also very important to me.